20 photos; 13:11 video
It had been another difficult patrol for All American Girl, as she came into the SSH headquarters feeling like she had been run over by a truck. She was trying to track down MAMA, and had been racing around the city feeling herself happy at being back in the command center for the SSH. As she tried to relax The Guardian came walking into the room, All American Girl, was slightly stunned as she spoke in slow tones to the protector of the super heroine secrets.
The Guardian explained that there were several items resting atop the small table in the headquarters, All American Girl, slowly looked over the items and The Guardian, explained that there was something on those items that seemed to be stripping the supers of the SSH of their powers, Pixie, Pink Raven, and Purple Thunder had all been affected by the items. The Guardian explained that he would be locking all those items up in the Vault (this was a place that was specially shielded from the heroines so that they would not be weakened by anything that was used previously against them) however; as The Guardian detailed the items, All American Girl, seemed to be strangely drawn to them even more so.
The Guardian walked away, moving to secure the rest of the SSH headquarters, since none of the other heroines were expected to be coming back that night, just as he walked away All American Girl, rose up and started moving towards the items, She seemed greatly drawn to the ropes, that were used upon Pink Raven, along with the chains that had held Purple Thunder, each item seemed to draw her on even more so, her voice was growing more sultry as well, as she smiled to herself, "oh what the hell, I need more rope", she sat herself down in front of the large sofa, and began to apply the ropes to her limbs.
"No warning ever stopped me did it,......................................"
15 photos; 16:36 video
For our final scene together Kobe, selected the pink catsuit, in this case she really liked having the catsuit on, since it gave her a chance to warm up slightly, however; I found that she was protected from the crops too much. So I decided that it would have to be removed. She was in a way happy, but also concerned that the crops would be once more making an appearance.
I also selected the ring gag, or as I like to call it the drool gag, and in this case she really did drool a great deal. As I freed the remaining ropes, I again selected the black ropes, since they contrasted perfectly with the pink catsuit, she was awaiting the final bondage portion of the scene. She was excited at first since I could not use the crops, but in the end she realized that I was actually removing the suit from her body.
For our final bind together I decided on the frog tie, this is a great bind in that it allows Kobe to squirm around, but also gives me easier control of her legs when I brought back out the crops, especially since she is skilled at evading, and in this case the frog tie was perfect for the final item of our time together, the Hitachi.
Kobe, had been put through so much during our time together, that she really earned a reward, and she seemed to know what was coming,..........................
17 photos; 16:51 video
Kobe, was enjoying her new position, especially with my adjusting the ropes, from the black cotton ropes, to the purple cotton ropes, mainly because during this time my hands would be occupied so that she would not have to deal with the crop or in this case the dual crops. She was able to catch her breath, especially with how the crops had such an effect on her whole being, during this time I removed the knee, ankle binds, and her crotch rope at this time I also removed the pink panties.
As I worked the new purple ropes around her limbs, Kobe, was just eying the purple shafted crop, for this next bind I took her crotch rope, and cinched it to her ankles. Thus each time that she moved, trust me should would be moving plenty, it would have an equally pleasing effect upon her most sensitive of areas.
With the six point bind in place, I started once more with the crop, running it across her whole body, I found her truly sensitive areas, and made sure to take advantage,.............................................
45 photos; 8:43 video
Kobe was really enduring a great deal with the bondage, the black cotton ropes were indeed soft to the touch but they did hold her tight, that she was already dealing with, when I snapped on the silver leash, she was not too overly concerned, it was however when the pair of crops (one purple and one black/gray) made their appearances that she really started squealing out playfully.
Kobe, also had a new experience with the black bit gag, as I found out she does tend to drool when she is either ring or bit gagged in this instances she was to do so greatly. I did not mind as I'm sure that no one else would.
Kobe was doing her level best to keep my attentions away from her delicate toes, but in the end she was pretty sure that I would not just focus my attentions solely on her feet,................................
21 photos; 13:14 video
For this current scene, Kobe decided to select another outfit for herself, in this case she chose that light pink bustier, and matching pink panties. The outfit has an excellent mixture of color, with the black and pink, with that for this scene I decided that the black ropes would once again be the perfect contrast to her lacy clothing.
Kobe, was also started off with a cloth cleave gag, this was only a temporary gag, as I had another item in mind for later on in the scene, the scene started off with a five point bind, which included her wrists, ankles, knees along with a tight crotch rope that would be increased as the scene progressed, as before with her arms over her head, Kobe made a fetching target with her underarms, breasts, so open and exposed. After I attached both a silver leash, and waist chain I had hopes that I could keep her from squirming too far from me. I was mistaken to think that she would stay in one spot for too long when the crop made it's appearance.
Kobe, thought that one crop was tormenting to her, when I brought along the second, she made another loud shriek, perhaps it was finally time for the bit gag,..................
37 photos; 17:30 video
As the eight point bind was taking shape, I decided to add in an extra special toe bind, this seemed to be the perfect thing to help keep Kobe from straying too far away from me when I was using the crop to tickle her, by tying her toys in place it made sure that she was not able to protect her feet as easily. As I later found out she really enjoys having her toes tied up as a part of her bondage.
Kobe, was very concerned about having her underarms exposed, especially when I started zeroing in on her sensitive spots, and after getting her into the preliminary four point bind, I decided to use the crop to tickle her entire body, and see if it would be able to wear her out. As I was to find out Kobe really does squirm a great deal, especially when she has her feet exposed.
During this long scene, Kobe, did ask if the ball gag could be removed, I did not mind since a cleave gag works just as well in this situation, and as I rolled her over onto her left side I had her entire back and bottom available for the crop to tease,...........................she truly has some playful sounds escaping from her mouth as the crop was doing it's work,.......................
23 photos; 17:25 video
Kobe, was slowly being stripped down from the initial classic lingerie and heels that she started off the scene wearing. It was during this scene that I slowly started switching out the pink cotton ropes for a set of black cotton ropes. Additionally during this time I brought back out the silver waist chain, and as I was putting it around her Kobe released a playful sigh.
Kobe, was made ready for an upcoming eight point bind, as I have done previously I was wanted to make sure that the model was comfortable during the preparation work, especially since this bind takes a great deal of effort to put in place, and Kobe was more than willing to endure during this preparing phase.
For all the patience Kobe showed, I wanted to make sure that I gave her an equally pleasing reward,..........................
22 photos; 14:00 video
The earlier binds with Kobe Lee, were just a warm up for the next several positions ahead of her, in this scene I went with a classic hogtie, and she really loved this position. As I was to find out she is very ticklish, and I was ready to bring out the purple crop to see how she would be able to handle it's effects.
What further made this scene for Kobe, was having her black shiny heels removed, the soles of her feet are truly her weakness, and she seemed very happy to have her heels off. As I completed the hogtie, with her favorite pink cotton ropes, I also decided to add in the new red ball gag, this gag is a softer gag, that allowed for Kobe to bite down on, as she started giggling during the scene. I tried to find out what spot was her "zone", but as I found out, her whole body is one happy tickle zone.
During the scene, Kobe, was feeling the additional strain of the hogtie, with the elbow cinching bind, and it seemed like a good idea to give her a little more wiggle room. Especially when the crop was able to be so very effective,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as I was to discover, Kobe can really squirm,.............
31 photos; 10:25 video
After having Kobe in the chair, it was time to really get down to something that would test her. Kobe is an amazing model that can truly excel at bondage positions, and she is quite adaptable to any new situation.
Kobe, was great with the directions, but the thing that I enjoyed most was how much she loved the pink cotton ropes, it was a color that made the gray day outside a little easier to bare. The bind that I was going to be putting her into, a five point bind, does take awhile, and she was alright with dealing with that time. In the end when I suggested moving her down to her right side, she was indeed relieved for being able to get more comfortable.
As the bind went on Kobe, was patient, as I finished up the binding of her knees, in the end I did need to switch to the black rope, seems the pink has been has been disappearing off the shelves, so for next time with her I will need to make sure that more of the pink is available.
32 photos; 10:41 video
It had been almost a year since Kobe Lee was last with me here at DpStoneFetish.com, and as always I'm happy to have a true Southern Belle like her come for a visit. She is a playful model, and she can adjust herself to almost any particular style.
Kobe, started out wearing a classic set of lingerie, flesh colored stockings, black garter belt, along with black matching panties, and finally a black bra. Again a perfect way for her to start out the day with me. Showing off her very classic nature. With such a pleasing outfit to begin with I decided to use the light pink ropes on her, they contrasted perfectly with the outfit, and as I found out Kobe really liked the selection.
With Kobe, I also started off with the chair bind, it is a good position to bring her back into the fold so to speak, and though she did not stay there very long she really did enjoy the beginning bind. It was during this initial bind that I placed the silver chain about her neck, this again brought a pleasing sound from her,....................
24 photos; 10:36 video
Pink Raven, slowly started coming around, she could feel that something was dreadfully wrong, as her purple gloved fingers slid up her neck, she could feel the smooth metallic chain around her neck, “oh no, not again the Power Dampener”, before she could gather any of her remaining strength, she heard the unmistakable voice of The Collector, she tried to roll away, but the XXXX time juice covered rag was placed over her nose and mouth, soon her senses started to fade away, and she felt her once powerful body growing XXXX.
The Collector made quick work of the XXXXing Pink Raven, freeing the white cotton ropes that were entwined with the pink ropes. During this time The Collector, cackled to himself, “Don't worry Raven we have a special place for both you and Pixie”, after carrying the XXXXing heroine into the messy warehouse room, he placed Pink Raven, upon the metallic framed bed, though Pink Raven was slightly aware of what was happening there was nothing that she could do with her powers stripped away from her. In time she lost her battle to remain awake, and allowed the XXXX time juice to work it's magic upon her mind once more.
When Pink Raven awoke, she found herself spread eagle bound, once more with the pink cotton ropes, her boots were still in place, as was most of her uniform, but one thing she could instantly see was that her smooth proud breasts had been uncovered by her tormentor The Collector, as she struggled to break free from the ropes, The Collector came near her once more.
The pink ball gag between her lips, kept Pink Raven silenced, for the most part, all she was able to do, was to moan out loudly about her frustrations at being held by the evil Collector. It was then that The Collector, started to release the straps that held her top in place, and soon her breasts were fully exposed, her humiliations were further aggravated by the chill that was in the room, as her nipples became fully erect, The Collector did adjust the small red pillow beneath her to ensure that she would not hit her head. However; his kindness was lost on her as he started sXXXXping off pictures of the bound and gagged heroine, ensuring that her humiliations would become even more pronounced.
However; for Pink Raven the humiliations would continue as The Collector brought out the large Vibrator, but that was not all, The Collector also had a pair of scissors in his hand, what new torments would the Pink clad heroine need to endure,........................................
26 photos; 9:28 video
It had been a very rough time over the past couple of months for the heroines of the SSH, The Unknown Heroine, All American Girl, Red Defender, and even the young Pixie had all had very rough experiences at the hands of The Kingpin, The Collector along with their band of Female Villains.
As for Pink Raven, she had been spared for the most part the humiliations, of the other SSH heroines, she had been held captive by The Collector, and almost turned against her fellow sisters, but she had been able to finally make her escape, and have even thwarted attempts by MAMA to trap her. Pink Raven had however; been on patrol for an extended period, and was truly looking forward to finally having a night to herself. Pixie was supposed to be out patrolling, but something had happened to her, that is why Pink Raven's phone was now beeping incessantly in her pocket. Though normally she would have thrown the phone against the wall, smashing it beyond all repair, she saw that it was the special alert code, and without any further hesitations she picked up the phone.
After a few minutes, Pink Raven fully understood the situation, something had taken place, and Pixie was no longer responding to her emergency pages. With a slight resignation, Pink Raven, slipped off the couch, and started to disrobe, soon dressed in the familiar pink uniform, flesh toned pantyhose, purple gloves, boots, giving herself one more victory pose to the mirror, and soon she was off on another patrol.
When Pink Raven, arrived at the last coordinates that Pixie, had checked in from, she confidently strode into the server room area, a thought flashed through her mind, that perhaps she had been there once before, as she started to activate the computer terminal, she looked down to see Pixie's cape, gloves, and her Magic Power Belt. But before Pink Raven could react, a hand clamped down over her nose and mouth, “oh no”, her mind raced, “this was a trap”.
As Pink Raven lay weakened on the floor The Collector, began to wrap up the heroine. Would this be the final end to Pink Raven,...................................
26 photos; 12:24 video
This is the continuation of the prior scene, and in this case it was apparent that Niki Lee Young is able to anticipate what positions along with binds are awaiting her. During the scene she was able to move and flow with each new bind, until I completed the seven point bind. This is a long term bondage position, and it takes a great deal for the model to endure. However; as you will see she was able to complete the bind with flying colors.
Niki Lee Young, has come a long way since we first started working together, and I have seen her becoming a more complete fetish/bondage model. I always look for new ways to challenge her, and to keep her coming back for more,.........................
21 photos; 9:54 video
In this update, I started off with Niki Lee Young, wearing her favorite color once more, she loves pink and this was a slightly darker version of the earlier lingerie that she started the shoot off with. So I switched out the lighter pink ropes, for the darker pink to better match her outfit, additionally she wore a pair of flesh colored pantyhose, along with the pink under the chin harness ball gag. She really enjoys that ball gag, as it fits her perfectly.
When I started the bind I was wanting to put Niki Lee Young in a different position, as I have found out any chance to show off her smooth underarms is always a bonus, so in this case we started off with a hands over head position. Unfortunately the bind did not really come out as I was hoping it would, one of those times where I needed to think through the overall position a little more deeply, so at the end I decided to bring her back down to her side, and proceed forward with what I like to call the "six point bind".
As Niki Lee Young was laid down to her side, she let out a playful giggle when she figured out what was coming next, she and I have worked together enough now that she has been able to anticipate my next move. Hm, perhaps I need to adjust things,................
41 photos; 12:37 video
This was to be our final shoot of the day, and actually at the end of the scene Niki Lee Young let out a rather large yawn which was quite playful.
In this scene Niki Lee Young, was relieved of having to wear any extra clothing, instead she opted for one of her favorite outfits: her birthday suit, and who was I to fret over the details of her outfit.
As Niki Lee Young, was laying still for me, I adjusted the initial hogtie, that she was in, replacing that bind with one of my own special seven-point binds, in this case I was using the pink colored ropes, ensuring that her wrists, breasts, belly, crotch rope, thighs, knees, and ankles were completely cinched up tight.
In addition I decided to add a silver waist chain about her waist, letting that dangle perfectly just above her hips,..............
45 photos; 16:03 video
This was going to be a long term bind, something that Niki Lee Young, is actually getting more used to with me, and in the end things really worked out well with how well she endured throughout the entirety of the bind.
Niki Lee Young, started off wearing a pair of white pantyhose, and was already bound at her ankles along with her knees. Thus two points of the seven points were cinched up. As she was sitting dutifully I started cinching a breast bind into place, she was holding her hair up for me, which she has grown longer since we last worked together, and once the breast bondage was completed it was time to bring her back down to her side to work on the remaining points. Always a fun task with such a tamed model.
Niki Lee Young, was also needing to be gagged, and I decided to use the matching color pink to her ropes. She does like the under the chin ball gag, because it fits almost perfectly into her mouth, thus not any discomfort for her to deal with, and besides she really does look extra sexy with that ball gag between her lips.
As I was working towards completing the seventh bondage point, I also decided that Niki Lee Young, no longer had a need for her white pantyhose, wouldn't you agree,,...................
34 photos; 12:43 video
After returning Niki Lee Young back to the floor, I positioned her in a Kneeling Hogtie, as you can see I like to do a variation on the classic hogtie with keeping her arms bent over her head, showing off her smooth underarms, and in this case she really enjoys being placed into this position so that she can be exposed, and yet also in a more comfortable position.
With Niki Lee Young's arms cinched off with the rope that circled her waist, I decided to add an equally tight crotch rope, again using her favorite pink cotton ropes, once I had her secured I decided to bring her down to her side, she was slightly relieved at being placed on her side, which took some of the pressures off her knees. With the pink and white ball gag snug between her teeth, all she could do was to mumble out her responses.
The current Kneeling Hogtie, was going to be replaced with what I like to call a five point bind, this is when I cinch up the ankles, knees, waist, wrists, and of course adding in the crotch rope. Enjoy,.......................
14 photos
In this update with Niki Lee Young, I had extra pictures of her in the Prone On her Back position, and I decided to add these to their own set of pictures.
Niki Lee Young, can excel at some many different positions, but in this one she shows off her flexibility with her arms over her head, and her legs stretched out (and attached) the end of the couch.
Niki Lee Young, made some playful sounds throughout this scene, and I think that she was indeed much happier when I moved her back to the floor, knowing what was coming next,........................................
36 photos; 9:02 video
Niki Lee Young, is always up for trying new things, and to start off with I decided to XXXX carry her to the sofa. Though this is not the normal way to start off a photo/video shoot with her there is always a reason to try out new things. Additionally she even did some gag talk for me, when I had inserted the pink strapped and white balled, ball gag.
Niki Lee Young, excels at many types of fetish shooting, and in this case she was trying her very best to struggle and squirm her way out of the pink ropes. I started her off in a prone position on her back, as you can see this has the bonus of showing off her smooth underarms, and of course has her feet exposed.
I decided that as much as I liked Niki Lee Young in that position, that another position would allow me to see all of her best assets. So I decided it was time for a new position,...............................
24 photos
It has been far too long since I have had Niki Lee Young at DpStoneFetish.com, and with this I welcome back one of my favorite glamor/fetish models as she makes her 2013 debut on DpStoneFetish.com.
Niki Lee Young, is a very classy woman, and loves to show off not only her desires for the fetish world (especially when she is bound and gagged with her favorite color of pink) but also her glamor roots. As you can see, she is able to display not only her sexy glamor side, but also a playful fetish side, by wearing the white pantyhose, over her pink lingerie.
Niki Lee Young, was eager to feel the ropes binding her once more, and she smiled that dazzling smile of hers as I drop the light pink cotton ropes at her feet. Another item that caught her eye, was the white ball gag with the pink straps.
Welcome back Niki Lee Young,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
17 photos; 10:01 video
Chapter 2 Purple Thunder - A Mind Altering Experience (continued)
Purple Thunder, was still XXXX from having been made to breath in the sweet time juice, that had been applied to the purple cloth that was brought near her face, what Purple Thunder did not know, was that there had really been nothing on the cloth at all, however; the way that her mind was playing tricks on her she was ready to believe anything that The Collector was telling her.
Though it took only a few minutes for Purple Thunder's body to recover from the effects of her Mind Altering Experience, she was still dazed as she slowly started coming around, what she found was that she had been trussed up tightly to the same coffee table that had earlier found her struggling against the effects of the words The Collector was speaking to her, and though she was trying with all of her effort to escape she was no nearer to that dreamed of escape than before.
Purple Thunder, was disgusted with herself, as The Collector teased her with the cloth, she tried to summon her powers, and to also show a brave front to her captor. With each passing moment The Collector continued to use the words, "Purple", "Thunder", and "Dazed" which had an even greater effect upon her mind that it did previously. She was especially weakened, because she was bound with her own special cuffs, which seemed to have an even greater effect now. The Collector was tiring of her exertions and used the word "Freeze", which stopped Purple Thunder in her tracks.
The Collector, then started snapping off pictures of the captive heroine, threatening to give them to other criminal elements within the city, it was however; when The Collector, said the word, "kitten", that something changed within her being, as she suddenly found herself starting too,.......................
[Will Purple Thunder make her escape]
10:06 video
Chapter 1 - Purple Thunder - A Mind Altering Experience
As Purple Thunder strode into the warm and somewhat large living room, she was instantly drawn to the strange objects that were laying atop the table. Her disdain for her opponent, The Collector, was already well known, as she had already faced off against him one time before, being XXXX to endure a XXXX capture, and bondage session which ended with her being stimulated beyond belief by the vibrator that was applied to her most sensitive of womanly assets.
Now Purple Thunder, was detailed to seek out the one notebook that contained the information needed to disable the main security system of the Knot Time Warehouse, that was the bane of the SSH heroines, along with The Guardian that was attempting to bring down the most evil of henchmen working for the Kingpin. As she inspected the bookshelves, she had been told that the notebook was an innocent looking item, she thought that she had finally found the item to break the Kingpin and The Collector once and for all.
However; what Purple Thunder did not know, was that something had been left behind by the Collector during their last encounter, when The Collector finally presented himself to the seeking SSH heroine, she was stunned to find herself being weakened by the words that The Collector was speaking, whenever he said the words, "Purple Thunder", "dizzy", and even "Dazed" all of these words seemed to be making her insides ache. It was when she said the words "Purple Thunder", that she really lost her her willpower, as she sank to her knees, she felt the increasing simulations between her thighs, she did not trust The Collector. "What was happening", she said, following his directions.
However; as The Collector reminded Purple Thunder, "what were her choices",...........................
34 photos; 17:03 video
As is the case with all shoots, time with Andrea was drawing to a close, and though it can be a somewhat low key affair, with this situation there was plenty to laugh about as I continued to use both the purple shafted crop along with it's companion - the gray crop - upon the squirming damsel in distress.
Andrea, was truly worn out by the time that we completed this session, and to ensure that she had a struggling end to the shoot I decided to add a black leather blindfold across her eyes. She had not been blindfolded by me before so this was something that she was not ready for, and yet she was able to guess my intentions. Seems that I had a tell when it came to her feet.
For this last scene I also decided to use the ring gag on Andrea, and let her truly experience the humiliations of drooling upon herself, and with all the tossing around that she did while being tickled it was a very interesting scene indeed, ............................
Andrea always has a standing invitation to return to DpStoneFetish.com, anytime she is in town.
9:45 video
This update consists of Andrea's continued torments, while wearing the black lingerie, panties and bra, and being bound with the black cotton ropes. In this scene she was feeling the added torments of having to endure the purple shafted crop, which I would bring along her elbows, underarms, and down to her feet. In addition I decided that if one crop was good, two would have to be even better, and in this scene she was trying to evade both of the crops as I was working on her feet.
During the scene Andrea, was having some issues with the blue ball gag, so I decided to cut this scene a little shorter allowing her to get ready for the main event,..........................................