11:36 video
When the Couple returned, they had just completed, a long bind together, and it was of course time to put them into another one, as they did seem to enjoy the challenges, that they were engaged within. Zoey, was trying to avoid the next challenge while Richard, was relaxing but of course with Stone Fetish, another bind was indeed in the offing.
Soon both Richard and Zoey were on their backs, as the binds were being cinched into place. This was going to be another fun challenge for them both. Zoey, was trying to convince Richard, that the ropes were being tied much tighter on her, than they were on him. But Stone Fetish shows no bias one way or the other.
Zoey, kept wondering why there were no ropes on Richard, but when I brought out the Badger tail Brush, those compliants lessened a great deal.